Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowy Chris Rocks Friday

Yesterday as Chris was leaving work, he called to say goodbye. Typically he stops in my office to say goodnight but due to the amount of errands I ran yesterday, he assumed I was out picking up something with Marty. When he called he was pushing snow off of the car so he hadn't left yet. I ran outside to hug him. After a quick goodbye kiss, I ran back into the office. On my way a snowball came flying my way. It was off to the left by quite a bit (no way this thing could have hit me). I turned back and Chris stood there with an enormous grin.

When he threw the snowball at me yesterday, I immediately thought about our Christmas snow fight. I love how this man will sometimes surprise me. I love how he takes the time to be playful. I love how he doesn't take himself too seriously. I love him!


Amber said...

Sooo sweet!

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

Hahahhaah! That's cute. And you're a good sport. ;)

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

P.S. I loved the snowman in your other post! Sometimes I wish we had snow here. Sigh.